Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Toughest Survive

Life isnt really a bed of roses. While going thru some of my past entries, i realised i have been complaining, grumbling and ranting all this time. That also mean i have been very very unhappy. There were so many negative entries. God!

There were things that u wished it din bother you. However, it kept haunting you so much that u rather turn deaf and handicap. Even simple thing that u do is being critised. Like wat Ken said, this is the worst scenario he could ever thought of. And they all happened!!! I endured and tolerated but i am a human after all. I am not sure when the explosion will occur.

I know i have been repeating over many entries. I could not help it cos this is the only little space that i can vent some of my frustration on... I told my mum, if ever i was a girl, i would have cried almost every night. Will i ever turn depression? As far as i am concern, i have people who still show their care to me. I also have a holiday to look forward. So still not too bad... Well, my mum for the first time felt very sorry for me.

Mum: Son, if you are really unhappy, leave your job...
Me: ...
Mum: It has been hard on you.

I was very touched when she said that to me. Previously, she felt i was unable to withstand hardship from work. I have been updating her what happened at work. She was surprised that things turned out so negatively. It's true. I did not exaggerate.

I got this from a friend. We were in the same ship.

I know what are my abilities, and what I can be confident of doing. Yet, doubts had been creeping into me lately.

although those are the things which I had known all along, and I can't help but seriously consider.

I thought I could overcome it, but I couldn't. How do you do it? I don't used to be like that, have I fallen in real deep this time round?

How bad can things turn out? I am not sure. There are pple in this world that is probably going thru the same phase as me. Perhaps theirs is a different situation. In the mean time, i only hope for the best. Holiday is definitely the best remedy for me.

1 comment:

cheeky said...

Hi Jeff, I understand what you are going through. This is a very demanding industry u are in. I have seen people resigning after just one day although it's has always been their dream to work in this field. Most have been misled by the glamour of the industry thus were unprepared for the frequent backlash. Whatever it is, people are not picking on you based on who u are, it is just that the nature of the jobs coupled with the enormous stress involved make people more impatient and demanding. It's more bark than bite. Things will be better once you get the hang of it. Trust me.