Monday, September 04, 2006

Living Life to the Fullest

Tiring day from work! As usual, I always live like a superman on Sunday. Rushing from tuition to work than back home. Maybe Lilian is right, we should not be money's slave. It should be the other way round, money should be made our slave. Indeed, Living life to the fullest is something that everyone should preach.

Yes, i am preaching now. whahaha... Initially, i was still indulging in some self sympathy mood. Come to think of it, it leads to no where. So, i have decided to forget everything and continue to enjoy my wkend. It was not too bad.

Wanted to go for a movie with Ken on sat, but back out cos my dear friend need to submit his forms to office. Instead, we went shopping ard, gossiping stuff again. It ended with an enjoyable nite at Dbl O.

Party with David this time. whahaha.... This guy was damn "chio" lor, put on his adidas jacket and parading ard. We chat a little and dance for fun. Our common friend, Jas was there too. The naughty me played a joke on her. whahaha... Never know she was so fun, really different the time when she was my classmate in MJR.

One of her friends got so drunk and threw up everything. Mess! Her dress was soiled, dirty. She could not even walk, have to rely on her sisters to carry her. God. Imagine at this age, you cant even control your alcohol intake? I felt a bit erm... Alright, maybe its some occasion to celebrate. Dunno.

Back to dance floor, another regular led everyone in the podium to the mambo dance. Gosh! Even the Dj was calling him master. His popularity has indeed attracted the attention of many girls. Well, he was approached and i became his unappointed agent. Funny. He tried to act shy... I almost laughed my head off.

When everyone left, i was still on the podium with Ken. Eventually, he took a rest while i continue to party. Jason came along and joined me. He is another joker who never fail to make me laugh. Although most of these regulars are hi-bye friends, they are pretty sincere. Once in a week, i will forget everything and indulge in a world of music and fun.

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