Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Weekday Movie

Was out with Ken this evening. It was like once in a blue moon kind of wkday outing. Cos both of us work and dun get to meet during wkdays. Even on a wkend, it's just clubbing, that 3 hours at dbl o. Afterall, when u club, u seldom talk cos its too noisy. He is on leave and tat explains why he has the luxury.

Though its my off day, i gave tuition in the morning. Then headed to PF before meeting Ken. Did some cardio today after i recovered from some infection on my leg. Feel fresh. Met ken after tat for a movie. Donkey years since we catch a movie together. During our army days, we were like big movie fans, watched all kinds of movie almost every weekend. That includes midnight preview as well. Ha...

From movies, we moved on to clubbing. Haiz. That's probably a change. So far we are still enjoying it. I wonder what's next after clubbing. Anyway, after the movie, we shopped and gossip again. That's wat we always do. Critising this and that. whahaha...

We watched "Snake on the Plane". Alright, quite a lame movie if you compare to "Click". Entirely plotless except for a few action packed scene. From the name of the movie, you would have already know the story. Lame rite? Well, at least it isnt those artistic movie that sets you thinking after the show.

Life has been very stress. I want to watch something that is easily digestible. Ha.. Simple minded. It's midweek finally. Ken asked if i wanna go zouk tom. I agreed. Its another once in a while event. whahaha... I seriously think wed zouk is meant for kids. oops... I should rephrase. Zouk is meant for the young. (read between the line) "the young" whahaha.... Got it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear friend,

Saw your comment on my blog. Life is really bad. Come to think of it, it only make me realise that I only want to work in a conducive environment.

An environment that allows me to have a relaxing after work life. Now? I simply can't! I'm even up to the state that I'm having nightmares of the projects that I'm handling.

The boss sucks big time. Will tell you all about him next time I see you. I know there have been talks about getting me to stay in the job.

Especially my sis. She's utterly disappointed in me. So am I. Disappointed in myself. Currently, doing things that I simply don't like! I don't know man.

Life is always tough for me. Will have to leave the place soon. I need to search for the things/job that I truly enjoy. If employer ask, I'm going to state the truth. Too bad they can't accept it. Sigh. Please advise.