Monday, August 18, 2008

Pro Baby Policy

It was an enlightening NDR. PM Lee delivered his fifth or sixth rally in front of a huge audience after he was sworned in as the Prime Minister. The topics revolved the media, birth rate and even graciousness of our society. hahahha.. I quite like the part on the graciousness of our pple. Honestly, Singaporeans can be damn irritating.

HAhaha... Look at how pple fight for taxis, chop tables during lunch time, park bicycle on a taxi stand, fail to clear plates, always stand near the entrance on bus or mrt. Its very true. That is wat i hate about our pple. I dun understand. We are so educated yet pple still behave in a uncivilise way. Disgraceful. I would say Westerns are better. Really. Drivers stopped for you to cross the road, they clear their plates, queue on the right hand side on an escalator. This is wat we call civil mindedness.

Then PM touched on the procreation package. I am impressed. Longer maternity leave and more child care leave. That is very impressive. I mean Singaporeans find it hard to balance between work and family. With more leave, working mothers can spent more time with their kids especially when kids under the age of 6 need more attention.

People are encouraged to procreate. However, there is still an issue tat need to be dealt with. Financial burden. Raising a kid is not as easy as large sum of money are thrown in. From prenatal checkup to post natal checkup, from money spent on diapers and food to education. If you were to add up, it could cost more than $20000.

Then responsiblity. Making a child may not be tough but many parents fail to bring them up responsibly. Eventually, this create social problem. That is why we see a lot of ah beng and ah lian on the streets. haiz. I have been to the court before. I see many teenagers being charged in court for many reasons. Sad case la...

In any case, to raise a child requires heavy responsiblity. Only when you are ready, when you have a proper plan, then start a family. hahhaha... Starting a family is a private affair. So think carefully before embarking on the next step. :P

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